Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Break West Coast Part 1

First - some housekeeping notes

1 - I know, I've only done 7 posts each, and not my resolved 8 minimum, for the past two months.  But I haven't disappeared and this month just could be my comeback.  Or I'm a failure.  One of the two.

2 - If we're facebook friends, you'll already have seen most of these pictures for the next post or two.  Since I have no way of predicting how the internet will continue to explode in years to come, I plan on storing PDG digitally everywhere, so that one day he will have no choice but to relive his life through the eyes of his mama.  Kidding.  Kind of.

3- There's no #3, but a two-item list always looks poorly planned to me.

So for Spring Break 2013 we packed our bags (which takes considerably longer with a child) and headed to the west coast.  Sunny San Francisco, to be followed by Seattle/Tacoma - next post.

 Quick aside - look what pregnancy did for my hair!  Isn't it crazy how long it got?  I just can't bring myself to cut it.

Usually J-Man is as anti-tourist as possible.  He's like, "let's go find the ghetto and walk around and be gangstas" while I'm like "ooh, take my picture here.  and here.  and now with PDG."

We arrived late Friday night, and after giving PDG an extra dose of Benadryl, we all conked out in a Best Western and slept til 7am PST.  (Yes, PST.  How is that possible?) We woke up totally refreshed and magically already adjusted to the time change.  

First stop was the Castro.  Kinda random, one might think, but J-Man has a good friend there we'll call TJ.  He's a friend from the frat who, when we last saw him, had just come out and had decided the best place for a newly comfortable gay guy to move would be SF.  No one argued, and three years later he is happy as a lark.  We had some good sushi, and walked to Dolores Park.  No, no one offered us drugs. Yes, the kids section there is fantastic.

PDG loved the swings but hated the sandbox.  He wouldn't move an inch.  His distrust of the shifty ground made him sit perfectly still and frown until I got tired of other mamas and their kiddos looking at me like why isn't your kid actually playing...

The afternoon was a walking tour with my friend ELE.  We started at Ghirardelli, hiked up Hyde to the top of Lombard, took the photo above, and then strolled gradually downhill to the Marina, where she lives. Note the Seahawks gear.  J-Man insisted that the logo be visible at all times during our stay, which was made possible with his hat, jersey, and jacket in constant rotation.

Sadly I only had the phone camera for most of SF, since we were sweaty and tired walking everywhere pushing the stroller. 

The next day we met up with a friend from Princeton and we saw even more sites.  This time the bottom of Lombard

We kept with our free streak visiting the sea lions.  

Where we took a lot of photos

Because sea lions are cool and make funny noises.  That are even funnier when J-Man imitates

We walked to the Ferry house, where of course J-Man had oysters, but managed to avoid the jerky, before trekking back to our hotel.  The Intercontinental.   

Monday night we couldn't sleep, but that just gave us plenty of time to get up and ready for a morning walk downtown to Google to see ELE again, her awesome office, and eat all the free food they get.  Fresh waffles and omelettes? Pre-sliced fruit?  I felt as spoiled as an undergrad.  And like in undergrad, I understood that free food is never really free.  ELE is paying somewhere along the line.  But for us, not a penny spent, and even a high chair.  Score.

With a few more meals, a trip to Berkeley (which, honestly, wasn't pretty enough for me to take pictures of - no offense any Berkeley-lovers.  I'm sure you're hipster enough to believe I just don't see its inner beauty or whatever), and even a family nap, we headed out Tuesday midday to go north to Tac-town.

Let the travel log continue next post....

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh and smile. And it's great to see ELE :) I had the same reaction to Berkeley and I'm sure that Parker gave one of his mama's looks when you put him down in sand to play. :)
