Monday, April 8, 2013

What I'll Do

I've been going back and forth about when/how I'll share my news when I get pregnant.  There are a few more readers of my blog now, so rather than just a couple of you girls I was already oversharing fertility issues with, there are quite a few of you who stop by now and again.  We might not even talk all that often.  Or, perhaps, you're a stranger on the internet.  That's unlikely, but totally cool.

So here's what I'm thinking.  I'll wait until the 6-week mark.  Or around then, since I think that's when they scheduled my first appointment last time.  I'll go in and make sure that the pee sticks (and yes, I'm certain it will be multiple) were right and the doctors agree there's a little person/zygote/blastocyst/bean hanging out in there.  I'll hopefully have a less traumatic experience than my last first ultrasound.  And then I'll come back and start to write about it.

I may or may not, at this point, have called everyone I'll want to have called.  And I'll hope to reach them before they just see it on here.  But I continue with my phone phobia, so if I fail there, I'll hope you'll forgive me.  Please?

I'll struggle to know what to say, and wonder if I should really announce it during the first trimester.  Then I'll probably just remind myself that, as an oversharer, I will probably want an overabundance of support if something goes wrong with the pregnancy.  I think?  Or maybe I won't.  But then I'll just write a short blog post that says please don't ask.  or... I don't know what I'll do.  Does anyone know how they'll mourn in advance?  Nothing would really make it hurt less.  So, I'll stop thinking about that what-if until/unless I absolutely have to.

Yeah.  That sounds like a plan so far.  I mean, it's gotta happen in 2013 right?  It can't take over a year again can it?  I mean, look here, PDG is already looking for his little sibling.

But then again. That's probably because he already knew then.  Like J-Man and I already knew then.  What made that west coast vacation even more special was waking up at 2:30 one San Francisco morning, like the addict I once again had become, and rubbing my eyes as I saw this.

Ok, mini-ME, it's on.  EDD  December 2nd

(and yes, Christmas card brainstorming has officially begun)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hooray! I love the picture of PDG lookin' for a playmate! I'm having a hard time thinking of what EDD stands for... Hmmm...

  3. SHUT UP! Sneakiest announcement ever!!! so happy! and bitter that your first comment was spam. WOO HOO!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Mum's" the word :) Love you! Not only are you an amazing sister but an amazing mom too. You never cease to amaze me!
